Photos from Event
Driving across the Great Australian Desert – it does not get better than that
The Australian bush is beautiful
Road surveyor Len Beadell made the tracks to be as straight as a gun barrel
Camp getting ready to roll at 6.00 am- the regular starting time.
Look at what is written on the ground
On the smoother stretches we hit upto 100 kph
But vehicles often got stuck in the soft sand. Sand rails, man power and winches all were used
One had to keep a lookout for ruts. A participant broke the suspension after hitting one at high speed
You were almost always struggling for grip and had to be really sensitive with the throttle
Bob’s bush bedroom, the tents the Aussies call a swag
The tents or swags had to be strapped to the roof
Bob with his Land Rover Discovery Sport
All cars had a special accessory to monitor tyre temperatures and pressures
Punctures were a problem with some teams having over a dozen
Cuts in sidewalls were a common complain
Drivers briefings were short, but packed with good advice
At places where the bush was too thick, we had to hack our way through
Even in the middle of nowhere, you can find such warning signs. Amazing
Night driving was tough and many got lost too wherever the GPS mapping was off the mark
No pollution and no habitation in the Outback, means its only a world of starry starry nights
Bob really enjoyed the long hours of driving
The Australian Bush is the worlds ‘fly capital’. Flies even get into your mouth if you are not careful while eating
The ‘Fly Net’ was Bob’s constant companion as the Australian Outback is the ‘fly capital’ of the world’
The bush also has the world’s biggest colony of termites
Bob with Henning- his German co-driver on the Silk Road 2013 Expedition
The expedition’s ‘Mother Ship’ – the six-wheel drive truck, even had an onboard refueling station!!!
The camps had proper dining facilities with each vehicle carrying its own folding table and chairs
The support truck carried meat in its refrigerator for the – Bush Barbecues
All helped with chopping, cooking, cleaning dishes, etc
The expedition ‘Master Chef’ at work
Bush Buffet
Feast in the bush-rice, chicken, prawns, veggies and of course pudding
Bob with a local resident in one of the small villages they went through
One campsite even had a shower! What magic to see water come out of a pipe
An Aboriginal bushman in western dress
A small gas station in the bush
Our Mother Ship getting re-stocked. Water also came in the plane and was the most vital thing in the bush
Every night was a party. In the centre is Doctor Dominic- fortunately, nobody fell sick on this expedition
This is a wildlife rich region
Bob saw this monitor lizard and also some snakes
Camping on the banks of Lake Mackay- a huge salt lake
At the famous Ayers Rock
The drive was mainly in restricted areas requiring special access permits
Farewell party on a sand dune overlooking the amazing Ayers Rock
Farewell party on the dune
Mission accomplished. Celebration time. Bring on the bubbly
An indigenous Australian playing the wind instrument didgeridoo. In the backdrop is the Ayers Rock
The Chief Minister who came to the finish was very down to earth and without any security
With Dag Rogge, Expedition Leader
Bob’s luxurious toilet travelled from Bombay to the Outback. Its now at the last campsite and he hopes to revisit it someday
It was truly the best way to ‘Discover the Australian Outback’