Bensberg Historic Rally 2011

Bob participated in this prestigious rally along with his good friend and editor of Car India, Aspi Bhatena. They drove a VW Museum owned replica of the lovable VW Bettle used in the famous film series Herbie and took part in the TSD (time, speed, and distance) format navigation rally. At the halfway regrouping point, Bob and Aspi were running 6th overall and even ahead of F1 drivers and champions like Jacky Ickx and Hans Stuck. But after the lunch break, there were few goof-ups in the navigation and “Team India ” dropped off the leaderboard.

This classic car rally started and finished (with a glass of champagne) in the magnificent Bensberg Castle and the 200 kms route was very scenic and full of winding roads and numerous climbs and descents. Bob says, “Taking part in the Bensberg Classic Rally is another dream come true. I will always be grateful to VW for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. At one point we were 6th overall, a great achievement. Sadly in Leg 2, we took our eyes off the target and slipped down the order. Nevertheless, I will always fondly recall Bensberg”.