Photos from Event
Detailed pre-event inspection
Lined up for the start next to a canal
Bob is ready for the flag-off
German auto journo Tim Westermann was his co-driver
They drove this rare 1973 VW K70 that was in showroom condition
Bob and Tim with the team from the Volkswagen Classic Museum
The seasoned control marshalls knew how to make themselves comfortable
Participants waiting outside a control
This was the only Indo German team on the event
This 1973 VW K70 was in showroom condition
Many amazing cars like this Alfa Romeo Montreal took part
The friendly couple in the Fiat 500 also wore retro dresses
Tim drove on the first two days, and Bob for the next three days
And they went to some really spectacular place
Both Bob and Tim pushed quite hard
And were able to keep up with some far more powerful cars
Striking a pose
Many villages in Germany have such quaint welcome boards
Refueling time
Another one for the camera
Tim looks on as their car gets some gas
Informal drivers briefing
Cleaning headlights for the night section
Bob does the same with the windscreen
The Indo German Team in a pretty town square
The town square was taken over by classic cars
The 1000 kms long route went through some really attractive countryside
Time for a selfie
They made a good team
And had a really awesome time
Bob’s Competition Badge