Australia Expedition 2015

In 2013, Bob was the only Indian invited to be part of the Silk Road Expedition and in 2015, he was again the only Indian invited by Land Rover Experience, to participate in their “Tour of Australia”. In November 2015, Bob drove the last leg, which was also the toughest one, cutting right across the Great Australian Desert. Bob’s drive in the Northern Territory of Australia, started from Balgo Hills and finished at the Ayers Rock.

This was amongst the toughest expeditions Bob has been part of, with daytime temperatures touching almost 50 C! It was also very challenging to drive in the desert, especially because on day two itself,  Bob’s Land Rover Discovery Sport lost four-wheel-drive due to a pump failure and then he and his teammates had to drive very carefully to ensure they did not get stuck in the soft desert sand.  Bob says, “This was a truly difficult and demanding drive in one of the world’s largest, but least inhabited deserts. It was an unforgettable experience and I don’t have words to describe the awesome time I had in the Australian Outback.”