Reviews of More Driving Holidays in India

Like most of Bob’s books, this one received a very enthusiastic response and many positive reviews. Here are some excerpts and you can click on the links below to read the full version.

  • This book will be invaluable as a history-cum-geography-cum-natural history encyclopedia. Auto India, Dec 2013
  • The layout of this book is simple, clear and highly informative, and the pictures very attractive. Car India, Jan 2014
  • Bob Rupani’s latest book takes you further into the heart of India. Auto Bild, March 2014
  • It’s for all who harbour an interest, and inquiry, into the fascinating diversity of India. Business India, Jan 2014
  • The book is lucidly written with great photos and road maps. Autocar, May 2014
  • It is a trove of information and a must read to plan your next road trip. Auto X, Jan 2014
  • Few people have a better knowledge of the roads and driving destinations of India than Bob Rupani. Overdrive, Jan 2014
  • It will put the joy of driving back in the hearts of novices and experienced travelers alike. Mail Today, March 2014

Review in Auto India, Dec 2013

Review in DNA, 16-1-2014

Review in Car India, Jan 2014

Review in Auto Bild, March 2014

Review in Business India, Jan 2014

Review in Autocar, May 2014

Review in Auto X, Jan 2014

Review in Overdrive, Jan 2014

Review in Outlook Traveller, Jan 2014

Review in Auto Bild, Aug 2014

Review in Mail Today, March 2014

Review in Hindustan Times, 14-12-2014